Welcome back all out there in 311 nation! Here we are again, ready to read about the next fan spotlight. This week let’s learn all about Aymee Zimmerman!
How Aymee learned of 311 was through her then twenty-something nephew in law, Dan. It was back in 2000 and he was playing the song, “Rub a Dub.” “I immediately fell in love with the song! I checked them out and joined the Hive web-board to get connected.” She then mentioned the band in talking with her neighbor and who she calls her second kid, Jennie, during a time when they were organizing her CD collection. “She flipped out telling me how awesome they were and how much she loved them ! She then hooked me up with a few CDs (Blue, Transistor, Grassroots and Soundsystem) and I went even more crazy for 311 ! She told me about 311 Day, and I made it my mission to make it there “one day,” – especially when I found out it was in (or going to be in) NOLA ! I had two babies under two around that time, so there was no way it was going to have been happening then… but I always only dreamed about it until that Magical year…. 2016.”
Sadly Aymee has lost both Danny and Jennie from her life due to heroin overdoses. “The only reason I am mentioning this here is because it is all too rampant in our lives… even our own 311 Community has lost so many to this terrible drug, or knows of loved ones suffering. If you know someone who is struggling, do not give up on trying to help them see beyond and fight to stay alive. It is just as tragic as suicide.”
First 311 show for Aymee was in Tinley Park, Illinois at the World Music Theatre in 2003. She was with her son Josh, who is now 28. “I remember we had pretty decent seats and we were on miT / SA side. Josh and I didn’t know what to expect for the show, but all we talked about after, (and even to this day !) was SA’s slick dance moves ! (at that point, we had NO idea what the Alien Magic was that we witnessed that night…) We were total newbies, but relished every moment of the night. It was a blast. I bought him the green cube T Shirt from the show, and he wore it till it got holes all through it. I wish I could replace that shirt !!! I would LOVE to have another.”

Aymee has been to two handfuls of shows so far, including the 4th of July shows in Vegas in 2014 and 2015, New Orleans in 2016, and this years 311 Day. Her favorite of these shows she said is hands down 311 Day 2016. “NO WORDS can even begin to express the emotions that come up for me with this EPIC MEMORY and the weeks/months leading up to NOLA ’16. The Universe KNEW exactly what was up… All we have to say to each other is “NOLA” and we are transported back to the BLISS FOLLOWING that brought us all there… So much Love and Joy in that Moment of Bliss that we Held. #TACOS FOR LYFE !!! What an incredibly MAGICAL experience NOLA was on every level. I also have to give a very special and THANKFUL Shout Out to Alex “Taiyed” Hutchins for introducing me to the Familia in 2014. It’s been a wild ride, I wouldn’t change a minute !”
Favorite song for her she said is impossible to answer because it changes depending on the day, mood, or moment. “It is just amazing to me though, how no matter what, the right song/lyrics/groove pops up right when I need it. However, I would have to say that ‘Speak Easy’ is the most meaningful for many reasons.” Some lyrics she loves include, “Lift the roof off your soul,” “Lovely life I thank you,” “I see the music in you,” “Let my song sing itself,” and “FOLLOW YOUR BLISS (which is also a Joseph Campbell quote) on EVERY DAY.” She also said she loves “Yo P-Nut, beat that thing!” because she will always be a P-Nut girl at heart.
Aymee grew up and lives in the Chicago suburbs but she also spends a great amount of time at her folks ranch in rural Ava, Missouri. She is the youngest of three siblings, and is younger by at least 10 years. “so I joke that I was raised on the “good stuff” as far as music goes.” Aymee said that she’s always been a bit of a hippie at heart and has a very eclectic taste in music, art and life. She has 3 kids: Josh who is about to turn 28, Emily who is almost 18, and Joseph who is 16. “My kids (and my Family) are my LIFE. I have an unusual philosophy about Life. I tend to see the good in everyone and everything. I am grateful for that ability, and do not mind seeing things through rose colored lenses. My glass is always overflowing with goodness, and I tend to not let things get me too down. Life is too short to be lived miserably, and while it’s not always peachy, I try to find the silver lining… There is always one to be found. 😉 I occasionally visit that infamous crossroads at Highways 61 and 49, in Clarksdale, MS. to fund my 311ing, but I generally find that you get what you need when you need it most.”
Fun fact about Aymee: When she was 17 she spent about 2 months in the Utah desert near Moab in a Wilderness Survival program. “It was absolutely incredible ! We hiked about 13 miles a day and had no matches or lighters to make fire… We had no TP – or bathrooms ! HAHA ! No tents, one set of fatigues to wear, and a sleeping bag, and got our meal rations through a food drop made by airplane once every several weeks, having to ration out our food until the next drop. We cooked on a fire made on rocks and used tin cans to cook in and eat out of…I loved every moment of it and learned so much about myself. It was incredible. I came home so clean and clear and healthy, and I felt so strong in every way!” She also said her family is full of aviators. She did a solo flight in a Cessna 150 when she was a teenager. Now her younger son is carrying on the legacy and on his way to becoming a private pilot next year. “He soloed an Aeronca Champ (classic 1946 taildragger) on his 16th birthday in June!”
Something Aymee loves is to bake. “I am always bringing baked goodies with me wherever I go, especially while traveling (special made with Love only though, sorry ! HAHA)” She also likes to make tie dye, she loves to sing, and write. “I own a beautiful PEACE Ukulele that I still need to learn to play.” Guilty pleasures for her include music, movies, popcorn, and cheese.
When not listening to the sounds of 311, Aymee can be found jamming out to The Grateful Dead, Rush, The Beatles (She mentioned this“ALSO — for fun, check out Rubberband, Beatmas Christmas… if you are a Beatles fan, it will blow your mind !”), Tom Petty, CSNY, Joe Walsh, Moody Blues, Porcupine Tree, B-52’s, The Guess Who, Mark Knopfler, Lemmy, Elton John, Billy Joel, Mavis Staples, Hendrix, ELO, Emmerson Lake & Palmer, Genesis, Jethro Tull, Traveling Willbury’s, Prince, Bonnie Raitt, Debbie Harry, ABBA, Jimmy Buffet, and Vangelis. (She said, “you MUST check out – and read about the making of – the album: ‘666 the Apocolypse of John,’ it’s just so cool !!!”) She said her daughter keeps her hip to all the new music out there. “We used to hit Warped Tour(RIP) every year since she was 12… Thanks to her, I also enjoy Ed Sheeran, 5SOS, twenty øne piløts, Maroon 5, Little Mix (shhh) and so much more… Her Musical tastes are about as eclectic as mine ! Haha ! 😀 (and she gets into some 311, too !)”
Aymee’s message to 311 is this: “I know it has been said before, but THANK YOU for the Music and the Uplift. I am so Thankful for the Friendship bonds that have formed through this phenomenal CommUnity and grateful for the Positive Message that 311 sends out. It has gotten me (and so many others) through Life in more ways than will ever be known.”
Now her message to the fan community:
“We all know the important words: Stay Positive and Love your Life ! I love and treasure all of the goodness that comes from of being a part of this UNITY Crew…. From the wonderful things that the Excitable Difference Makers do, to the Musical Gatherings that brings us all together again year after year… Like the Sun, there is always something good and wonderful that comes thru. I am so thankful to be a part of the Universal Sweetness that pulls us through. SO – to put it blunt: Stick to the way you Rock it ! Only thing that matters if it’s Funky to YOU ! Thanks for letting me share a bit more about me, and thanks to all who are reading this crazy tirade ! ☺ *PEACE* SPaLYL ! PS – Did I mention how much I adore P-Nut ??? ☺”

Thank you Aymee for sharing your 311 story with everyone! It was a pleasure to write and I hope everyone enjoyed reading it. Much gratitude to everyone in this community who loves this band and supports this project of mine.
Much love to you all! – The Runt