311 Fan Spotlight #277 – 3/9/20 – Mike Spalt!

Hello again 311 nation! Here we are for fan spotlight #277! Let’s get right to it and meet Mike Spalt! 

So it was originally 1995 when Mike first heard of 311. He was in a cover band and was told to learn the song, “All Mixed Up.” “With no internet to find out who this incredible drummer was that I was hearing, I knew very little of the band. But that CD stayed in my car stereo for months. I never did see them live. Transistor released a short time later and it actually turned me OFF to them!” Fast forward to the year 2007 and Mike was working in his yard when he heard a version of The Cure’s “Love Song.” He recognized Nicks voice from 10 years prior and was surprised to know that 311 was still together. “Digital music was becoming a thing and I started looking back at their catalog. Evolver and Soundsystem became regular listens and then it hit me how incredible Transistor really was! I had to see them live, and somewhere in 2008 the lyrics hit me all at once. 311 became my religion, and just at the right time. My marriage fell apart unexpectedly and 311 was there for me.”

First show for Mike was in 2007 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He has been to a total of 15 shows. Favorite show for him he said always ends up being the last show he saw. In this case, it was the Mardi Gras show that just happened in New Orleans in February. 

Song that means the most to Mike is “Golden Sunlight.” “Setting your fears aside to achieve what you want in life.” As far as lyric that he loves, it’s “Stay positive and love your life.” “It was my motto through the roughest of times.” 

Mike has only lived in the state of Louisiana. He says that 311 helped him through so really difficult times and situations that he’s witnessed. “I try to pass on the positivity to those I am around.” He is married to his beautiful wife Christine, they were married on 3/11/17 in the Colorado mountains. He currently works in the medical field, has a 17 year old son and 23 year old step son, 2 dogs named Coda and Nola, and a cat named Puddy. 

Interesting fact about Mike is that despite being from Louisiana, he loves to snowboard. He also loves everything about music including playing drums, recording music, and running sound for bands. He also loves to brew beer! 

Other artists that Mike loves include The Movement, Stick Figure, Iya Terra, Kbong, Gary Dread, Johnny Cosmic, Marc Broussard, and Korn. Guilty pleasure for him is the show “Curb Your Enthusiasm.” “Larry David is the complete opposite of me and I find it inspiring to not be like him, but laugh at the same time.”

To 311, Mike has these words: “Thank you for saving me. Your words hit me at the right time, your music helps me shake out anything that is going on in my life that I want to get rid of. Thank you for attracting some of the best fans that have become personal friends. Life is truly different with you in it.”

His message to all the other fans out there:

“When nothing seems like it’s going right, take a step back and don’t be so hard on yourself. Start fresh and crank 311, because It’s alright, wherever you are right now. That’s who you’re suppose to be now.”


Great story Mike and thank you for sharing it! Much gratitude to all the readers as well. Go have an amazing week and Happy 311 Day!! 

Much Love, The Runt