311 Fan Spotlight #285 – 5/4/20 – Jana Kossow!

Hello again everyone out there in the 311 fan universe! I hope this week finds you safe & healthy still. Take a moment to read the story of our latest fan spotlight, Jana Kossow! 

In 1995, Jana moved back to Los Angeles, California, just before her 10th birthday. She heard the song “Down” and was instantly hooked. “The music was just something that hit me like no other band, my brothers had talked my dad into buying their CD for my birthday that year & from then on I waited for the next album to come out, I saved up my allowance just to buy the new CD’s.”

Show count for Jana is 6 and she said obviously she would have liked to have attended more shows at this point but she’s ok with her number. First show for her was in Irvine, California, on August 2, 2013 when G. Love and Cypress Hill opened for 311. Her favorite shows she has attended so far is her first show ever and then 311 Day 2018. 

There are many songs that mean a lot to Jana such as “Today My Love,” “What Was I Thinking,” “Homebrew,” “Use of Time,” “Hydroponic,” “Sever,” “Jupiter,” and “Beyond the Gray Sky.” 

Jana has a few lyrics that really connect with her and they are as follows:

“It’s been a wild ride, I wouldn’t change a minute. I can’t slow down inside, I guess that’s why I live it!” 

“Death I just say fuck you, the void unknown we’re thrown through, while lost in life’s psychedelic trip we take, there’s a more bizarre we have to make, world we have, nowhere beyond, take out the earth, the bass is gone, at life’s end we’ll feel the calm, how strange we should be here at all.” 

“To all my friends, it’s not the end, the earth has not swallowed me yet.” 

“My vibe is holy, my eyes closed, either I’m asleep or what I’m thinking is deep.”

Jana grew up a Navy brat with 2 older brothers. Before she was 5 years old she had already been to 26 different states. Then her parents divorced and she went with her father, having very few visits with her mom (although now there are best friends). The only states she truly remembers are Colorado because she had a lot of surgeries there, and then Minnesota, because her family is there. She now lives in L.A., but really misses Minnesota. 

Jana said she was accident prone as a child and was in the hospital often. “Starting at the age of 3 that I can remember, from my face being mangled by a dog, to my appendix bursting on my 5th birthday, to my 1st motorcycle accident with my left foot (which needed skin grafts), to my skull shattering, to breaking ribs, to my heart stopping, to my last motorcycle accident which again my heart stopped, I lost my helmet before hitting my head on asphalt, I now suffer from severe nerve damage, bone issues, fibromyalgia & trigeminal neuralgia. I also currently get steroid injections in my spine as well as my hip every 6 months due to my motorcycle accident. Though with all the downfalls in my life I refuse to give up despite all the pain. I’m allergic to opiates so can’t take anything but medical marijuana (I work in the business as well).”

Jana has a daughter Molly, who’s birthday happens to be today, May 4th! “She’s my inspiration for everything.” Jana was in the acting business for a few years before her illnesses got worse, but you will see my face on T.V., movies, and commercials every once in a while. She is now in the cannabis industry and enjoys it since it’s not strenuous on her. Jana has a surgical steel plate in her head and is also allergic to the sun. Aside from this, as she mentioned, her heart has stopped two times and she’s been declared legally dead. “Technically I’m a zombie, lol.” She has a talent for handling pain. “When I was acting I definitely had to hide the pain.” 

Interesting fact about Jana, she was supposed to get married on 311 Day 2018. “Peter Raspler sent me their camera crew to film it right before the show, until I was left at the altar, even after being left at the altar I went to the show & had an amazing time thanks to people in the familia who made sure I was okay. There’s nothing like having something that brings people together like 311 does. Since the age of 9, 311 has helped me cope with A LOT of things, their music has helped me through depression & suicide, among other things. Since the death of my father, they’ve helped with a lot of emotions. They’ve given me strength, just like my father has. I’ve come a long way & I’m still staying positive & (trying to) love my life.”

Other artists that Jana loves include Atmosphere, Stone Temple Pilots, Smashing Pumpkins, Pink Floyd, Phil Collins, Tupac, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Marilyn Manson, Rolling Stones and Journey. Guilty pleasure for her she said was that she loved acting but really wanted to direct. She also collects glass pieces such as bongs, pipes, rigs, pendants, and other 420 accessories. 

To 311, Jana has these words: “I personally want to meet you all, but especially Pnut. He’s my idol, the way he plays bass is just so tranquil to me.” 

To all the other fans, here is her message:

“I may not know a lot of the fans but everyone I have met through 311 I consider family, it’s all about unity & staying positive. Special shout outs to Adrian Lopez, Jessica & Sean Pursley, JR & Casey Barnett & Shannon Conley.”


Thanks for sharing your story Jana and a very happy birthday to your daughter Molly! Much gratitude to all the readers as well. Stay safe, stay healthy, love your life my friends! Until next time. 

Much Love – The Runt