311 Fan Spotlight #294 – 8/10/20 – Jessica O’Neal!

Hello again my excitable friends! I hope you are all staying well and enjoying your summer the best that you can. Let’s get to it and meet the next fan spotlight – the lovely Jessica O’Neal! 

At the age of 15 in the year 2004 is when Jessica was introduced to 311. It was her sons father that told her about them. “Their lyrics are nothing but positivity and hope, the beats impossible to not dance to. I was instantly hooked.”

For show count, Jessica believes she is up to 34 but she isn’t 100% sure. Her favorite show so far? “I took my son to his first show July 7, 2018, and watching his face light up, watching him sing every song, dancing with him to the tunes we’ve heard for years….nothing could ever compare to that.”

To pick a favorite song Jessica said is a tough one, but she went with “Getting Through To Her” because she said it just melts her heart. For favorite lyrics, she went with the following:

“You’ve got to bet on yourself now, star, because that’s your best bet.”

“Some people live for the rules, I live for exceptions.”

“You gotta keep on climbin’ the hill, cuz if you think you’ll make it you will.”

“The river cuts its way through stone, not through shear force but persistence. At the end of the day the relentless always win.”

Jessica grew up in a small farm town with just her dad and her brother for awhile. At 15, she met her sons father who was from the city. Not only did he introduce her to 311, but she said also about 99% of the other bands she loves. After high school she moved to Columbus, Ohio, and that’s when she had her awesome son Cread. “While the relationship didn’t work, we co-parent really well, we actually took Cread to his first 311 show together in 2018. I work full time, as many of you know, for the Ohio Army National Guard as a Recruiter. I am actually right now in the process of coming home from my first deployment to Kuwait, which has been a wild experience but I think helped me grow. 311 has introduced me to my favorite people, helped me through the best and worst times, and the community’s love and support was vital to my success while overseas.  That active duty pay certainly helps fund my annual show with my sisters, and now my son, which has easily become one of my favorite family traditions!”

Interesting fact about Jessica that you may not know, she showed pigs and sheep in the county fair! “I was quite the little country bumpkin as a kiddo.” What makes Jessica unique? “I think the thing most ‘unique’ thing about me is my ability to help push people to be their best versions of themselves. It’s part of what helps me as a recruiter, and why I adore the band as much as I do. I love meeting people, learning their hopes and dreams, and helping them find the tools to accomplish anything. Nothing good comes easily, sometimes you have to fight! I take so much pride in being the person who is able to really help people accomplish things.”

Guilty pleasure for Jessica is the show “Fixer Upper” with Chip & JoAnna Gains! “I love their relationship dynamic, the way they put in some TLC to help people’s dreams come true, and I’ve taken many of the things they’ve done in the show and applied it to my house.” 

When not listening to 311, Jessica loves music from artists such as Tropidelic (whom she adores), Taylor Swift, Coheed and Cambria, and Chris Stapleton. “Basically I listen to everything I can get my hands on!”

To 311, Jessica would simply like to say: “Thank you. Thank you for being a positive role model in a world where the norm seems to be the opposite. Thank you for being the good, being a role model and for giving my life such a rad soundtrack.”

Now here are Jessica’s words to all her fellow excitables:

“You guys are the most amazing people I have ever met. I love our Familia. I am honored to know and love you guys, you have become such a huge part of my life. The love and support I got from you guys overseas, as well as the love and support that we all give and receive at all times, is so beautiful. We truly are the luckiest excitable crew, and I am SO ready to be home and (once COVID is a thing of the past) HUG EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! Thank you for being amazing, stay positive and love your excitable lives, I love you all! <3”


Thank you SO much Jessica for sharing your story and for your service to our country! You rock girl! Of course, thank you to all the readers out there! Go have an amazing week and keep smiling! 

Much Love – The Runt