311 Fan Spotlight #304 – 11/16/20 – Angela Myers!

Welcome again my friends from 311 nation! It’s about time for the next fan spotlight. This week let’s learn all about Angela Myers!

It was Angela’s high school boyfriend that introduced her to 311 by making her a mixtape that had the song “Down” on it. “I loved it.  I asked him to put more 311 on the next one.  They were a combo of all styles of music I really liked.” There was a bit of time in her 20’s that she went without listening to 311 but when she rediscovered them, she realized how much she had been missing. “I feel like I’m still paying my dues as a fan to get caught up, but I’m definitely devoted.  (Enough to have gotten a 311 tattoo!) My best friend, Bryan Cori gets all the credit for getting me back into them when I moved to Florida in 2007.   We’d listen to 311 on road trips, singing at the top of our lungs and go to shows together.  We’ve been on 3 cruises together as that has become our vacation time together every other year since I moved back to Maine.   In 2016, I had Bryan come up for a New England leg of the tour and it was a blast to share that experience with him.  It will be amazing when this pandemic is over and we can all gather again!”

For show count, Angela is at 28, which includes shows in New England, Florida, and 3 of the cruises. Her first show was in 1997 in Old Orchard Beach, Maine, where Rustic Overtones opened for them. “My goal is to make it to 311 Day someday and I would totally go to a Pow Wow or destination festival if that opportunity ever arose!”

As for favorite show or event, she said the Soundsystem cruise was her favorite. “I was in such a dark place personally, and I fully believe being on that ship with all those Excitables brought me back to life.  From the energy on the lido deck to turtle birthin’ on the beach in Jamaica, it woke my spirit up and I realized I had found my tribe and I was ready to learn how to live in the now.”

For favorite song, Angela said there are so many songs and lyrics that she has gathered strength from that a few years ago she created a document she calls, “The Tao of 311: An Excitable Philosophy On Life.” “I organized quotes by subjects like Strong All Along (Confidence) or Sometimes Jacks Rule the Realm (Dealing with Assholes) and What Was I Thinking? (Regret and Apologies).  I printed it out for Bryan as a present but I often reference it when I need a boost.  I actually need to update it for Voyager.  It’s so hard to choose a favorite 311 song.  Kinda like picking your favorite student as a teacher!  Everyone brings something different!  Use of Time, Speak Easy, Five of Everything, Let the Cards Fall, and of course, Beyond the Gray Sky would be my top 5 that mean the most to me but I could put the entire catalog on shuffle and not skip a single one.” One of her favorite lyrics though is from “Simplify” – “This moment is a gift, it’s why it’s called the present.” “It keeps me grounded in gratitude and in the moment.”

Here is the link to Angela’s Tao of 311 document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JMDSOXxFYGhTfh5UxARcJVRKXc8kxvpzGbPZlDv0FRA/edit

Angela grew up in a small paper mill town in Northern Maine. She played soccer, ran cross country, and was a cheerleader, but she said her passion was always music. ” I sang, played piano, saxophone, and trumpet.  I attended the University of Maine and double concentrated in vocal music and alto saxophone.  My goal was to get my degree in Music Education then try my hand at singing and composing in grad school at Berklee College of Music in Boston where I received a scholarship.  I was given an amazing teaching opportunity straight out of under grad and jumped into my teaching career and haven’t looked back.  I am so incredibly lucky that it is my job to inspire kids to create and utilize music as a therapy, especially in times like these!  My philosophy is to teach a hands-on approach so that my students are always creating not just listening.  I make sure they are actively making music as much as possible.”

Angela moved to Florida for 8 years with her ex-husband but ended up coming home to Maine because she missed the seasons and wanted to raise her two kids there. “I ended up getting divorced last year.  Honestly, the music of 311 was my go-to during the tough days of that. The boys always bring me clarity, calm, and consistent positivity.  I’d go as far to say that 311 has influenced my spiritual journey as well.  I suffer from depression and anxiety.  My therapist would always tell me that depression is living in the past and anxiety is living in the future.  I would say the music of 311 as well as the energy I’ve felt around other Excitables has taught me to live in the here and now.”

Interesting fact about Angela? “I was drum major of my college marching band…this one time…at band camp….lol.” She also got to perform at Carnegie hall with her college choir when she was 19. “Hands down, biggest performance of my life!”

Guilty pleasure for Angela is that she plays Pokemon Go pretty much daily. When not listening to 311, she can be found jamming out to artists like Ballyhoo!, Hirie, Twiddle, Phish, and Turkuaz.

To 311, Angela has these words: “I know this pandemic took tour (and live music) away, but honestly, thinking about the fact that the boys got to spend the summer with their families makes me smile.”

Now her message to all the other fans out there:

“We’ll all be together again…until then stay safe, grateful, and present in the moment!”

Thank you Angela for sharing your story with us! Much gratitude always to the supporters out there as well. Be strong, stay safe, and always be kind!

Much Love – The Runt