311 Fan Spotlight #312 – 1/18/21 – Hannah McKernan!

Here we are again Excitable nation! Another fan spotlight is upon us. This week let’s hear the story of Hannah McKernan!

The first song Hannah heard was “All Mixed Up” when she was on her way to the swimming pool at the Miramar Navy base that she visited at least once a week while her father was stationed in San Diego. “It was instantly my favorite song at that time! I was in the 6th grade at the time and trying to figure out who I was and who I was becoming at that time. Because we moved a lot being a Navy Brat, my life was basically about constant change and readjusting.”

Hannah doesn’t specifically remember what drew her in and make her become such a big fan, but she does remember that after she heard that first song and it ended, she just wanted more. “All I wanted to do was sit by the radio and record it on a blank cassette every time I caught it on the radio! I sat on my bed and listened to it over and over…wrote down the words and sang it till it had it memorized! Didn’t taken long! Then I wanted to hear more and learn more about them! My mom let me buy the “Blue” album and that was it! No more Hanson, 311 was my band!”

For show count, Hannah has lost count of her exact number. “My birthday is July 30th and they are always in New England around that time (I live in Maine), so my boyfriend and I will typically catch every show we can in the area, or at least see one closest to us! We’ve been together 11 years and have done this since we met!” First show was at the State Theater in Portland, Maine, with Hoobastank as the opener.

Like many fans, each show has a special place in Hannah’s heart. With that said, there are two shows that specifically stand out to Hannah as ones that are her favorites. “

The first would be when I saw them in New Hampshire, they were playing with Sublime with Rome and we had meet and greet tickets for Sublime with Rome! We were a little late getting there so we had to wait in what looked like a break area/lunch room for staff and bands. I look behind me and NICK HEXUM IS GRABBING A WATER!!! I couldn’t believe it! I had DREAMED of this day since the first time I heard them! I asked my boyfriend if it would be rude to ask him for a picture since he was probably on a break or something and he said “when do you think you’ll get this opportunity again?!”  and it was the best decision I ever made! He was absolutely willing and happy to do it! I treasure that photo! It reminds me that he is true to the music he writes and performs! Full of positivity and it radiates! The second would be when they performed at Thompson’s Point in Portland Maine while on tour with Matisyahu! When 311 came on it was starting to get dark, and by the time they were on their last few songs, all the boats that were in the water (because they were literally performing on the pier…best setting EVER for a 311 show) at the time were all either blowing their horns in support and a few even set off fireworks!! It was AMAZING! Again, it just radiated their message is being heard and is at its height during those couple hours! The message they spread about positivity just spills through the crowd and the energy is endless!”

A song that Hannah holds dear to her heart is “Beautiful Disaster.” “I have always said that this song was written for me!” There are many lyrics that help remind her to stay positive, and that’s one reason she loves the band so much. However she does have “From chaos comes clarity” tattooed on her right foot. ” I truly don’t think there’s a more statement! At the time when I got the tattoo it was a very chaotic point in my life! However as soon as I was able to see through the chaos and actually get a taste of my freedom and feel myself regaining my I’m independence back, I knew I needed that somewhere on me to remind me to ALWAYS stay positive, and despite how crazy/chaotic and as unpredictable life can be….try to stay as positive as possible and clarity will follow! I truly believe that!”

Like Hannah mentioned earlier, she is a Navy brat so she had many opportunities to travel when she was younger. “

Though mostly at a younger age, we moved every 2-3 years until I became a junior in high school and my dad decided to do his last tour in Virginia on his own and let us continue to reside in Maine so I could finish high school! Where we spent most of our time in California between San Diego and Monterey, I was also able to experience places like Seattle Washington, which is why I think 90’s grunge/alternative is my go to genre! Denver Colorado and few other states so very short amounts of time! As for funding my 311 habit, I’ve been VERY lucky to have them perform in the New England area every year around my birthday so my tickets are usually gifted to me! All my friends and family are well aware of my fandom! I consider March 11th a holiday and we celebrate every year :-)”

When asked if there’s anything people don’t know about her, Hannah said she’s pretty transparent and let’s people know who she is. Her friends all know of her obsession with 311. “3/11 is like a second birthday!” Guilty pleasure for Hannah is the show “RuPauls Drag Race” and she loves to binge watch it.

There are many other artists and bands that Hannah listens to. “I was very disappointed about missing 311 this year because they were touring with Incubus which is a band I ADORE and have been needing to add to my list of live shows! But I’m a little bit of everywhere with whom I listen to! I’ll give everything/everyone a chance, especially live, but Pepper, Dirty Heads, Matisyahu, Stone Temple Pilots, Slightly Stupid, System of a Down…and the list goes on and on!”

Hannah would like to send this message to the guys of 311: “Thank you for staying true to the messages you relay in your songs! Thank you for always having  a strong positive vibe! Thank you for the energy you put into your live shows that make them so much fun and something I look forward to each and every year!! Thank you!!!”

Finally, here are her words to all her fellow 311 fans out there:

“Keep the positivity alive my friends!!! Stay thankful, thoughtful and be kind!! Save your energy and BRING IT for when we are able to all rock out together again to our favorite band to all our favorite songs 🤘🤘 and remember “One day WE’LL see the clear blue…” 


That’s the story of Hannah McKernan friends! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Thank you for the continued support of the fan spotlight. Have an amazing week all!

Much Love – The Runt