311 Fan Spotlight #365 – 7/11/22 – Suzanne Travis!

Hello my friends out there in 311 nation! Who wants to read a new fan spotlight? This week we get to learn the story of the lovely Suzanne Travis!

It was Suzanne’s husband Brett who ended up getting her into 311, he’s been a fan since 1994. It took her several years of convincing though before she gave 311 a chance. “I’m an Aries and can be stubborn but he likes a lot of heavy stuff which is not my style. I happened to hear Blake Lewis on American Idol cover All Mixed Up, and decided to give it a try.”

First show for Suzanne was in Atlanta in August of 2006, which at the time was 311’s biggest show ever (18,000 tickets sold). “Because I came to the scene late, my husband gave me the entire catalog of studio albums at the same time. I listened nonstop and crammed to make sure I’d know everything played. I was doing pretty great until the first encore when the opened with “Summer of Love”. He hadn’t given me that album so I had no clue. I was so mad at the time, but now I’d give anything to hear it on a semi-regular basis.”

Show count that Suzanne is currently at is 173, which is 14 behind Brett. “We’ve seen them in 45 states so far (West Virginia will be #46 in Sept 2022). That will leave only Alaska, Hawaii, Mississippi, and Delaware.” With all of those shows, naturally Suzanne had difficulty picking a favorite. She has a few favorites for different reasons. “During the event: Cruise 2 Beach Show. There’s never been anything like it before or since. We knew it was special at the time and it remains a top show for me.
Looking back: Pow Wow 2011. That was a hard one. There was so much prep involved to get there, make sure we had the things we needed for the weekend. It was hot, muggy, and camping is not my thing. But that event was a turning point in my 311 life, and Transistor was cemented as my favorite album. I listen to the live version/watch the video regularly and think how fantastic it all was.”

For song that means the most to her, Suzanne said it has to be “All ReMixed Up.” “It is the song that got me into their catalog and it is sort of mine and Brett’s “song”. The live version with the “My dreams are made of your love”, “your love brightens my life”, and “your love keeps me warm” – that’s about as sappy as we get, but I’m always happy to hear that song at the shows.”

While she said that she’s not really great with lyrics, one of Suzanne’s top songs is “Speak Easy.” “I always cry a little bit when I hear it because it has such a special place in my heart. ‘Out on the ocean; There’s no one around; No one to hear a sound; It’s just us out here; Out on the ocean; Speaking free.” Another special song for her is “Tranquility.” “We’ve lost quite a few wonderful members of the 311 Community over the past few years. I just try to remember: ‘Don’t be afraid, it’s all part of the plan for us; All that you hold dear; Is on the other side of that fear.”

Suzanne is from a relatively small town in East Tennessee. She spent most of her life living in various parts of the state including Memphis, and Mufreesboro/Nashville. “In 2013, we moved to Indianapolis due to my work. Because of 311, we had tons of friends immediately which made the transition so much easier, for which I’m forever grateful.”

For work, Suzanne said she is a pharmacist but jokes that she “plays one on T.V.” because she hasn’t dispensed any medications since 2007 and hasn’t counseled any patients since 2010. She currently works for a specialty pharmacy in a non-clinical role.

Fun fact about Suzanne is that in college she earned her certification to be a lifeguard! “I never really put it to use until 2004 when we were snorkeling in Mexico. Brett got overwhelmed in the ocean and I was able to pull/swim him to shore.”

Unique attribute for Suzanne is that she is really great at navigating and has a good sense of direction. “I’ve been a designated navigator since high school during church trips with ACTUAL MAPS! Don’t ask me about left and right because I mix those up all the time but I can get us where we need to go.”

Other musicians that Suzanne loves include Ghostwolf, Los Stellarians, The Skints, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Sleigh Bells, Santigold, and Bikini Trill. She and Brett even traveled to France in 2019 for two shows by The Skints. She’s also a big fan of 70’s and 80’s music, so she loves Pat Benatar, James Taylor, Fleetwood Mac, The Eagles, Air Supply, Jimmy Buffett, ABBA, and Christopher Cross.

Suzanne has a message directed to the families of the band and crew: “Thank you to the families of the band and crew. We know you sacrifice a lot for the fans, and it’s really appreciated beyond measure.”

Now her words for the members of 311: “Thank you for some amazing memories and experiences. Please keep mixing up the setlists and we will keep traveling.”

And now Suzanne’s message to all the other fans out there:

“We’ve been to a lot of places and met a lot of really wonderful fans around the US (and abroad). I’m so grateful for all of the friends we’ve made along the way. You’ve made our lives exciting and full of good times. Thanks for being amazing. <3”

Thank you so much Suzanne for sharing your story with us all! Per the usual, a huge shout out of gratitude to the readers and supporters each week. Wishing you all the best and can’t wait to see some of you at the shows this fall.

Much Love – The Runt