311 Fan Spotlight #435 – 8/5/24 – Lisa Rowe!

Hello again Excitable nation! Who wants to meet the next 311 fan spotlight? Let’s get the story from Lisa Rowe!

In the early 90’s Lisa had an alternative music friend who was a DJ. They would make her mixed tapes and on one of them was a 311 song. ” I honestly don’t remember what 311 song it was & to this day I cannot find the mixed tape! I do remember LOVING it. How it rocked, and made me feel.” Now flash forward a few years and Lisa was teaching when she saw some kids walking around with 311 shirts on, and she thought wow I know that band. She actually ended up taking one of them to see 311 and they became close, even through adulthood. Then a few more years later and at a new school, she had a bunch of students that were obsessed with 311. “I’ve always played music in my classroom, so this pretty much became the music of choice. And literally Music! These kids had/have no idea how their love of 311 changed the course of my life! Started going to shows, taking students to shows and myself become pretty obsessed.  But even in those early days I HAD NO IDEA what was in store for my 311 life !”

For show count, Lisa said she would have paid more attention in her early days had she known where this would take her in her life. She’s been to several hundred non-311 concerts, so remembering how many 311 shows proves tricky. “I’ve been to A LOT it has to be about 100 by now. Over the course of almost 30 years. I’ve seen them almost every year at least once and some years several times.  I think the most I’ve seen them is 6 times in a year? ”

First show Lisa believes was in Milwaukee at Shank Hall in 1995. “But I could be thinking of all the other times I saw them there! I know that sounds crazy that I can’t remember, but like I said at the time it was no big deal, I was JUST going to see another band I liked, and of course I had absolutely no idea at the time how this would change my life.  I can barely remember my own cell number these days.”

As for a favorite, Lisa said it’s impossible to pick one. So she tried to think of the one that she had the most feeling. So that would be 311 Day 2018, with her sister Jennifer. “Even though I was a long time fan, I was a teacher. I did not get paid time off, I actually petitioned ALL of my school districts to let me go to all the 311 days and the cruises, with NO pay, but was shot down everytime. So it was a long time waiting and it was highly emotional for me. Plus I was able to experience this 311 universe that I had no idea existed. Before that, I went to shows and pretty much paid attention only to what was going on around me.”

A song that means the most to Lisa she said has changed over time. It depends on where she is in her life. In the early years, she would have picked “Hydroponic.” “Brings back lots of images and feelings. LOVE the utter chaos of the song. It’s a mixture of  deep dark strong heavy and thenhappens to have a  happy little tune mixed in there. The lyrics”Jumpin’ out my skin.” The song “You Wouldn’t Believe” is what she calls her divorce song, because of the lyrics, “Wonder Woman got rid of wonder man that man’s not part of her wonder plan.” Then she has one she calls her song about life song. “Although I think this song is actually about our Journey while we’re living – not our Journey in the after. Tranquility “Don’t be afraid it’s all part of the plan for us.” These lyrics have helped me process many heartaches and trauma in my life! So many times I’ve run this song over and over in my head while trying to understand the absolute shit part of life. Just hold out, it will become known. It’s just waiting for the universe to reveal it reasons.”

Currently Lisa’s favorite song is “Sometimes Jacks Rule The Realm.”That came out of nowhere! 311Day 2024 I decided to brush up not just on deep cuts, but on their more melodic songs. And wham out of the blue, JACKS hit me like a ton of bricks. The song is a musical and lyrical work of genius. How did I let this one slip by for all these years?” Finally she also loves “Golden Sunlight.” “I always picture this song as a song after I get through Tranquility. “Hand over hand, I crawl back to land.

Lisa was born and raised in the Fox Valley area of Wisconsin. She is a retired math teacher and has lived in Neenah for the last 26 years. She has two adult children. “My son Josh, married, 29, who I’ve taken to shows and is also a fan . My daughter Joey, 24, haven’t taken to any shows yet! My buddy Reznor the Boxer keeps me on my toes.” Lisa said her kids are super super into music, which she absolutely loves. As for money, she is on SSDI so she finds some side hustles to help with funding her 311 habits. “I’m not raising kids anymore, so that makes me an instant concert millionaire. But I do a lot of Ebay, Poshmark.  It’s become a fun hobby.”

Fun fact, Lisa is an avid crocheter and has made lots of 311 stuff. (She even made the sweater she has on in the photo above!) She also loves playing sodoku and attending about any concert she can get her hands on. “Just saw Earth Wind & Fire and Chicago in July. Just saw 311 at Rockfest in WI. Going with some of my concert fam to St. Augustine on 8/17.” A few other facts to know: She’s a huge sci-fi fan, she likes to read banned books, loves everything and anything about Star Wars and her favorite place in the universe is on a ski hill in the U.P.

Lisa said that the absolute best thing for her is her 311 concert family. “They have stepped into so many parts of my life when I just needed a little word from a slinkie I never met in California to sharing literal tears of happiness, pain, anger, love, hugs, music with my closest 311 fam.  We love each other so much we often visit each other in our home states, fly in to attend concerts together. I truly never feel alone in my life with these connections I’ve made. I have NEVER run across fans like this ever. It’s indescribable and unmatchable.”

Lisa also said she is basically a huge nerd. “Like I’ll think about time travel for hours and do math problems just for fun.” Something that makes her unique is she can drive stick. “3 on the tree baby! I’m pretty dang good in Sheapshead. Or any card game for that matter.” Guilty pleasure for her? “No brainer, TV shows. Bridgerton, Virgin River, Love is blind, Naked and afraid. Especially the XL versions!”

For other music Lisa listens to, she said she’s basically an old alternative chick from the 80’s. She likes Stone Temple Pilots, Coldplay, Stabbing Westward, and Neil Diamond. “I’m all over the place. ” She also loves Nine Inch Nails. They are her second favorite bans & she named her dog after Trent Reznor.

When asked what she would say to 311, Lisa said she would probably get stage fright and start crying. But she said she would like to send this message: “Your music and the culture you’ve built has changed the course of my life.”

Now here is her message to all the other fans out there:

“Listen to Tranquility as a guide stone for how to live your life NOW while you’re alive! It transforms the entire song. I find it so much more powerful that way. The Journey is your life!”

Thank you Lisa for sharing your story with us all! And of course, thank you so much to all who read these each time. Now hope you all have an amazing week! Sending you all positive vibes.

Much Love – The Runt