Hello again and another happy Monday to all of you in the excitable 311 nation! Tis the time to read about another amazing fellow fan. This week’s spotlight takes aim at Dwayne LeBlanc!
Dwayne credits his best friend at the time for hooking him on 311. He told him about 311 Day 2002 and they decided to go. That’s where his love for them began. Since then he’s been to almost 40 shows. “I’ve got about 35 ticket stubs but I know I’m missing a few.” His favorite event so far though has hands down been the most recent cruise to Jamaica.
The song “Daisy Cutter” holds a special place in his heart, not only because it’s he and his lovely ladies song, but also because they named their daughter after it! Another favorite of his is “Tribute.” Some of his favorite lines though come from “Hydroponic” – Everything I eat is from the Earth, right? I am what I eat, straight up Earth, right? Nothing but a walking sack of Earth, nice to meet you, how do ya do? Guess what? Ya you’re one too.”
Born and raised in Metairie, Louisiana, Dwayne grew up right outside New Orleans. He’s a southern boy who works hard doing plumbing work for his family’s company, which he’s been doing since the age of 17. He loves his job and that it funds his 311 addiction. “I just simply save up everything I can months before a big show, or I just jump on something and spend all my money and hear it from the wife later lol.”
Dwayne said his number one love really is his family which includes his beautiful wife and three awesome children. Outside of that his other love is music. “I love to play my bass when I get the time.” He said that playing music is one of his talents and he has a great ear for it. He also said his life really revolves around music! Some of his other favorite artists are RDGLDGRN, Soja, Tribal Seeds, Rebelution, and anything from the Marley family. He’s big into Reggae but also enjoys other genres ranging from Grateful Dead to Van Halen. Incubus, Deftones, Wiz Khalifa, Juicy J and the whole Taylor Gang, plus Lupe Fiasco are just some others he’s into to name a few.
Guilty pleasure for Dwayne comes in the form of comic books. “I’m still a comic book nerd and I also still watch more cartoons than my kids hahaha. I’m just a big kid so they say!”
His message to 311 is simple and sums up his gratitude for them well: “Thank you for everything y’all do for us crazy excitables!”
To all the fans that make up this amazing community of positivity:
“I just wanna thank all the excitables I’ve gotten to meet over the years. I’m so happy and blessed to be a part of this movement. Y’all are truly the greatest people on this Earth. Keep doing y’alls thang, I love every single one of y’all!”
Thanks for reading the story of Dwayne LeBlanc! I hope you all enjoyed meeting another fellow fan. As you all know by now, you keep reading, and I will keep writing! Now go enjoy your day and pass on that positive vibe to those you see today.
Much love! – The Runt